:: :: ::: Friday, September 28, 2007

h2 econs revision lecture

This is copied from EMB:

Dear C2 H2 Economics Students,

Post-Prelim Economics Revision lecture 2 on 1 Oct 2007 (1-3pm)

Tutors will be going through the following:
1. Trend on Microeconomics Essay Questions
2. Trend on Macroeconomics Essay Questions
3. Go through 2 macroeconomics essay questions (refer to below)

Sudents are to prepare answers to these 2 Questions:

Question 1

Trade between Singapore and New Zealand jumped 35% in the first two
months of this year compared with the same period last year after the
implementation of a bilateral free trade agreement (FTA).

(a) Explain the economic justification for Singapore in the signing
of Free Trade Agreement with other countries. [12]

(b) Discuss the view that the key benefits that Singapore may enjoy
as a result of the FTA may be in conflict with some of the
government’s main macroeconomic goals. [13]

MJC Prelim Question

Question 2

(a) Explain some possible causes of a balance of trade deficit and
consider if USA should be concerned over its trade deficit with
China. [12]

(b)Discuss whether fiscal policy is the best method to reduce a
balance of trade deficit in an economy. [13]

CJC Prelim Question

Econs reps,

Please collect suggested answers to HCI Prelim Exam and Revision
lecture 1.

Economics Unit


 :: :: ::: Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Japan crazy taxi

Some guy got pranked to act in an action movie. Damn funny.

Spa Prank

 :: :: ::: Monday, September 24, 2007

From 24 - 28 September, all Chairpersons and Secretaries will have
access rights to add and remove members from the 1) membership and
leadership positions and 2) Major Activities. The only thing you
cannot do is create Major Activities which only your teachers-in-
charge can do. For missing Major Activities, Chairpersons need to
refer to teacher-in-charge to create for you.

1) Check that there are no duplications of the same event in a
different name, the year of the activity is correct. Any typo
errors should be indicated and highlighted to Chairpersons. It is
not required to have the major activity with its year e.g. 24th
Asian Youth Championships, as these activities will rolled over to
subsequent years.

2) For activities under Academic/Department, please refer to
respective teacher-in-charge of the activity.

3) For Addition or Removal, please refer to your Chairperson or

5) For new major activities refer first to your Chairperson. If
it is not under academic/department/NA or others, refer to teacher-
in-charge to create for you.

6) There should be no claiming for CCA Orientation and Openhouse
as all CCAs are involved.

7) Activities claimed under CIP are not to be claimed under CCA as

8) For external activities, see Ms Chen from 8am - 12pm in PE
office on Tuesday 25th September. DO NOT LEAVE ANY PAPER or YOUR
CCA CERTIFICATE on my table. I will not entertain any amendments
unless you come personally to see me. Bring evidence in photocopies
such certicates, registration forms, letters from external
organisations if you have.

9) For uniform groups, note that only your leadership position
will be recorded in the CCA certificates. Attach your letters
indicating your specific involvements endorsed by your Uniform Group
Teachers to your Certificate when you need them.

11) For sports girls and boys, West Zone and National Colours for
both 2006 and 2007 are in the process of updating in the ISP
system. You do not need to indicate these 2 events as amendments.

12) The ISP system can now accomodate 5th to 20th positions for
achievements. Refer to Chairperson to add that in for you.

The following students have been updated:
1) Regina Ng,Edna Ong (Girl Guides Singapore members), Anna Chin
Pui Hun cannot be found in the CCA system.

Thank you, any other queries, similarly see me tomorrow from 8am -
12noon in PE office.

All CCA certificate issues are to be confirmed by this friday 28
September, after which there will be no more amendments.

You will get your actual CCA certificate on the day you receive
your 'A' level certificate in 2008. You may request for a draft by
writing a letter to state why you need it and submit to Ms Elice Goh
at the College Reception Office. State your email and contact
number in your letter. If the reason is deemed reasonable, we will
contact you to collect the draft.

 :: :: ::: Tuesday, September 18, 2007

C2 H2 Post Prelim Programme 2007

Quoting form the paper i got:
Dear Physic reps,

Please announce the following to your class:
  1. The first session of the revision lecture is on 28 Sept next Friday. You are to attempt the Nov 2006 Paper 2 and 3 before attending the lecture. If you do not have the exam papers, please buy a copy from the photocopying shop. The numerical answers have been uploaded onto SMB for you to check your answers (21 copies have been ordered by yours truly... Please pay $0.45 +- $0.05)
  2. Please attend the revision lecture on 28 Sept seated according to normal lecture, that is in LT2 and LT3 instead of that listed on the post-prelim schedule. (For us is at LT3... Don't go to the wrong LT...)
  3. After going through the Nov 2006 papers, we will be going through the June 2007 GCE papers. The exam papers must be ordered from the publisher and cost $3 per student. Students who want to purchase the exam papers are to place the order with the physic rep by 19 Sept. You will be informed of the collection date when the papers arrive from the publisher. Please note that this is the only order.

Please submit the order for June 2007 GCE to the BOOKSHOP LADY by tomorrow, 19 Sept.

Thank you,

Mrs Irene Tan.


So... each of you please pay ($3.45 +- $0.05) to ME by tomorrow...

(Since Jiexun said class fund HAS NO $$ LE)

And please stay behind after the Physic Paper 1 tomorrow to collect the Nov 2006 Paper 2 and 3...

Yours boringly,

Jedi Tan aka mao^2...

 :: :: ::: Saturday, September 15, 2007

To all C2 students,

For CTs who have not yet collected their sample CT photos, they have been placed in your class pigeonholes along with the order forms.

Please fill in the order form (including your CT and CT rep's contact number) and collect payment by 18th September, and pass it to either one of the Photographic Society members below:
Esmond (07S7E) 97227303
Po Linn (07A15) 91528217

There are INFORMAL and FORMAL photographs. Regardless of which type is order, the prices are as below:1 photograph: $72 photographs: $10This price includes a folder for the photographs.


 :: :: ::: Friday, September 14, 2007


Do you like Apple Juice

Quite fun. The sound kept replaying itself in my head during computing today -_-

Death note trailer Maple Story version

 :: :: ::: Sunday, September 02, 2007

class prom magazine dedication page

erm, gotta save the image then zoom in to see the many many smaller images making up the photo.

credits to zichun.

paiseh abit lousy quality coz had to resize.