:: :: ::: Monday, September 24, 2007

From 24 - 28 September, all Chairpersons and Secretaries will have
access rights to add and remove members from the 1) membership and
leadership positions and 2) Major Activities. The only thing you
cannot do is create Major Activities which only your teachers-in-
charge can do. For missing Major Activities, Chairpersons need to
refer to teacher-in-charge to create for you.

1) Check that there are no duplications of the same event in a
different name, the year of the activity is correct. Any typo
errors should be indicated and highlighted to Chairpersons. It is
not required to have the major activity with its year e.g. 24th
Asian Youth Championships, as these activities will rolled over to
subsequent years.

2) For activities under Academic/Department, please refer to
respective teacher-in-charge of the activity.

3) For Addition or Removal, please refer to your Chairperson or

5) For new major activities refer first to your Chairperson. If
it is not under academic/department/NA or others, refer to teacher-
in-charge to create for you.

6) There should be no claiming for CCA Orientation and Openhouse
as all CCAs are involved.

7) Activities claimed under CIP are not to be claimed under CCA as

8) For external activities, see Ms Chen from 8am - 12pm in PE
office on Tuesday 25th September. DO NOT LEAVE ANY PAPER or YOUR
CCA CERTIFICATE on my table. I will not entertain any amendments
unless you come personally to see me. Bring evidence in photocopies
such certicates, registration forms, letters from external
organisations if you have.

9) For uniform groups, note that only your leadership position
will be recorded in the CCA certificates. Attach your letters
indicating your specific involvements endorsed by your Uniform Group
Teachers to your Certificate when you need them.

11) For sports girls and boys, West Zone and National Colours for
both 2006 and 2007 are in the process of updating in the ISP
system. You do not need to indicate these 2 events as amendments.

12) The ISP system can now accomodate 5th to 20th positions for
achievements. Refer to Chairperson to add that in for you.

The following students have been updated:
1) Regina Ng,Edna Ong (Girl Guides Singapore members), Anna Chin
Pui Hun cannot be found in the CCA system.

Thank you, any other queries, similarly see me tomorrow from 8am -
12noon in PE office.

All CCA certificate issues are to be confirmed by this friday 28
September, after which there will be no more amendments.

You will get your actual CCA certificate on the day you receive
your 'A' level certificate in 2008. You may request for a draft by
writing a letter to state why you need it and submit to Ms Elice Goh
at the College Reception Office. State your email and contact
number in your letter. If the reason is deemed reasonable, we will
contact you to collect the draft.


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