:: :: ::: Thursday, October 11, 2007

End-of-year Chalet cum Gathering!

Hi people! Congrats to all of us! we are graduated!!! I have quite a number of things to announce so pay attention to everything.

Firstly, i have not received full payment from the class for the graudation day present. Can those who have not paid, please kindly pay $3 to me tomorrow! (Friday, 12 Oct 2007)

Secondly, we gonna have a party tomorrow as well. I will be in charge of bringing all the junk food. For those who happen to see this post and wish to contribute, please do so! Your effort is very much appreciated!

Thirdly, I would appreciate everyone to give me all your photos/clips/videos with regard to any class-related activites be it outings, chalets, CIP... I would later get someone to burn it into a CD-rom to give everyone during the chalet!

Last but not least, OUR CLASS CHALET! This year, it is kinda of unfortunate or unlucky! i couldn't get any big chalet! Nevertheless, i managed to holiday chalet flat at paris ris. To ensure that everyone have a comfortable living area, i booked 2 units of 3-rooms flats.

Details are as followed:

Date: 27 Nov - 29 N0v 2007
Checking-in time: 4pm (but we can meet up earlier!)
Address: 101, Elias Road Singapore 519886

Charges: $25

This charge includes the stay-over, 1 bbq and all the snacks and drinks during the stay! Please note that it is comparatively cheap le. One night in Costa Sands is already $120 per night. If we are staying at Costa Sands, it will cost us 2units x 2nights x $120 = $480

I can guarantee that this year food is much more better! We gonna have fresh seafoods straight from pasir pajang wholesale centre. It's definitely worth it! Furthermore, we going to trouble Khai Shin to import our drinks and snacks from MALAYSIA! haha...(singapore high MPM!)

Allow me to do a break down... IF we have 25 members who paid 25, we gonna have $625

Stay-over $300 for 2 nights with 2 units
BBQ food for 25pax 25 x 8 = $200
Drinks and snacks = $125 convert into RM287.5 <----haha! buy tons of food! Please also note that you might also need to bring additional money during the stay for other activities orh...it is not like last year. <----you know what i mean! =]

The chalet is before Prom night night and i really hope that everyone can turn up for the chalet as this might be our last time seeing each other for quite some years, some maybe forever! I would really need your support to make this last chalet a success!

P.S: Chalet program will be discussed after As!

This message is brought to you by a many many holes member of 06s6e!


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