test on CAHarloe.
Reminder: Econs essay test on comparative advantage this coming thursday during lecture! And erm, some random entertainment that my friend showed me: Its quite cheesy but very funny.. "Girl, being with you has always been so tough With each passing minute, your marginal cost goes up But my love is inelastic and it all belongs to you I’m the only love producer, and my good is for you to consume Because girl your marginal benefit far outweighs your marginal cost Without our equilibrium baby, you know I’d be lost Trapped inside this market I need you, to buy my love Girl without your complementing goods, I’m not enough Now you say that I’m producing, below my ATC But I’m optimizing quantity baby, why can’t you see? We could share this surplus, each and every day If you would just buy my love, I’ll make my fixed costs go away Baby I want to keep you for the long run, Oh yeah I think our supply and demand, will become one… Because girl your marginal benefit far outweighs your marginal cost Without our equilibrium baby, you know I’d be lost Long run equilibrium is no place for me I need the profits of our love, to grow exponentially." Source: http://www.infernalramblings.com/articles/Economics/143/ Oh ya, disclaimer, theres apparently some inconsistency in the economics concepts. To read more, click on the above link. Otherwise, its just for entertainment. Lol. |
 :: :: ::: Saturday, May 12, 2007 |
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