:: :: ::: Wednesday, May 23, 2007

From EMB

Erm just in case you guys lost your EMB passwords or something...

Applies for both H2 and H1 Econs!

(1) BTII Coverage and Format

– sources of market failures (public goods, negative & positive externalities, demerit & merit goods, monopoly power, imperfect information and income inequality AND solutions to these problems.
- Choose 1 out of 2 questions in 45 minutes

Case Study
– All macro topics including knowledge on balance of trade (X-M) and the impact of exchange rate on BOT but excludes trade theory (CA) and protectionism.
- Attempt all questions in 1 hour 10 minutes

(2) The Economics Bulletin

- BTI - 8 models essays with tutors comments and suggested answers to the DRQ
- Reports on events such as Economics Mastermind 2007
- Look out for the interactive section where you can win for yourselves free GV movie tickets!
- $1.80 per copy (this is non profit cost loh ;_;)
- Econs reps to collect the bulletin latest by this Friday 25 May 2007 before the term closes.
Everyone please pay $2 to Ye Qing, the remaining $0.20 goes towards Econs fund (:

(3) iVLE Survey for both tutorials and lectures
- The survey will be opened for the entire Jun hols next week onwards.
- Please give constructive feedback based on Term 2 lessons.
- Please remember to give your feedback on Lee-Gan (!! hrms !!) and Deborah How next week when it opens! :)


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