:: :: ::: Sunday, July 30, 2006

random quotes.

let's see..
in 6e.. we have..

a pervert
✝玲 fourk05 [鬼葬] 37564   tell me why 愛する意味ってなに? says:
hee hee
✝玲 fourk05 [鬼葬] 37564   tell me why 愛する意味ってなに? says:
i love singapore
✝玲 fourk05 [鬼葬] 37564   tell me why 愛する意味ってなに? says:
i'm a singapore pervert
✝玲 fourk05 [鬼葬] 37564   tell me why 愛する意味ってなに? says:
i love peeping

a person with weird sexual orientation
[08:17:43 PM] chris. 世界有时: my sex changes according to my mood

a bisexual cat
[03:28:54 PM] (=^_^=)kitty: ha.nvm~ i m bisexual~~hoohoohoohoo

can't be bothered to find all the quotes now, though.

so cool. hahas..


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