:: :: ::: Thursday, January 12, 2006


Yayy. I'm the first to blog here. That is, after Andy deletes all his previous test posts. *hint hint* Heh. Anyway, shall do a cross-post here:

So yea... entry about the day we painted the banner...

We started with the empty cloth with the super zai sketchings of the dragon by Andy...

We painted the dragon...

Next was our class: 06S6E!

And then the fire...

Lastly, the words: Knights of the apocalypse. Hmm, too cheem.

Our completed banner!

The banner looks better on camera actually, but it still looks super pro. Heh.

Random doodling with leftover paint. Heh.

Yay. <33 Jiayou 6E! We gotta stay together as a class and build Class Spirit yea.. Don't keep walking off on your own(s) leh.. We are a bit too old for Hide and Seek yea?

Sacarsm intended.


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