希望我们之间的缘分是微妙的。永不间断的。 累了。每天8点多吃饭,明天看来得9点吃。=( 这是选修怪combi的苦恼!但这也是种执著。总是在class bench徘徊。break= class bench. lectures= sleeptime. tutorials= wasting time. 那我干吗上学呢?就是这样笨笨的上了那么多年。或许还没正式上课吧。最好以后不会像现在这样无所事事。 其实在怪怪的时间在classbench 是挺不错的,可认识不同的sixErs (yay sixErs!!)和seniors. 我不知道自己在胡言些什么。所以若你还是清醒的,快把我叫醒吧。好像依旧是2005年,我过了天桥就到南中了。好像还在迎新。只是少了游戏罢了。 oh the joys of orientation! happy birthday people. i know some sixErs are having like bdays either over, or soon? and yes, jay chou too. -__________-. and we shd have a class birthday! oh and Where Are The Rest>?? WATR!! it's always the same old us. |
 :: :: ::: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 |
The others, um, don't blog.
Free blogging lessons tomorrow!
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